Weekly classes, KAMPs (Kids-Art-Music-Play) and mini-KAMPs.

Play peek-a-boo with your baby as s/he hides under a scarf! Learn Mother Goose rhymes and expose your baby to rich language. Learn new ways to say "I love you" using American Sign Language, soap bubbles, and more. Dance with your baby to Skinamarink. Learn exercises, infant massage, and games to play with your baby at home. Explore musical instruments, fascinating props & lively music. You will love connecting with other families with babies in the community and your baby will learn his/her first social skills, too! Home Materials include: Hardcover Book, CD, Duck Wash Mitt, Baby Duck Gertie Ball, and Poster.
Sessions 1 & 2: Tuesdays 9:15, Thursdays 11:15
Summer Sampler Series
Here's a delightful opportunity to sample the Village curricula on tap for fall 08 and spring 09. Enjoy the music, dancing, bouncing, giggling, rocking, and swaying found in each unique unit...Zoom Buggy, Dream Pillow, Hickory Dickory Tickle & Bounce, and The Rhythm of My Day. A great way to get out of the house, meet new friends or stay in touch with your Kindermusik friends over the summer, and get a sneak peek at what's in store for your little one in the upcoming semesters. Home Materials include: CD & booklet
Session 1: Saturdays 9:15 ~ Session 2: TBA
Our Time (TODDLERS 1½ to 3½ & caregiver) Zoo Train

Everyone sing, “Hurray, hurray! We’re going to the zoo today!” Your toddler and the train make a natural match—always on the move. Tag along this summer with a traveling zoo train. Learn American Sign Language for the zoo animals. Bring your own stuffed animal for the petting zoo. Wear long white socks on your hands for polar bear paws and learn about real animals in the zoo. Sing songs for clapping time and use music to help toddlers regulate emotions. Home Materials include: Book, CD, Funky Chunky Animal Shaker, and Poster. Sessions 1 & 2: Tuesdays 10:15, 11:15, Thursdays 9:15. 10:15, Sat 10:15
Imagine That! (PRESCHOOLERS 3 to 5; Caregiver attends the last 10-15 min.)
Keep the routine and structure going with Weekly classes:
June: "Drums, Drums, Drums"

Your child will experience the concept of fractions through hearing and playing quarter and eighth notes. In class we’ll do “call and response” activities to the rhythmic sounds of African music. Meanwhile, your child will sharpen listening and attention skills, as well as fine tune you’re her ear to finding patterns. Play together the activities in your Home Kit, and you’ll help your child develop a strong foundation in math, rhythm and coordination, and critical listening, all designed to help your children get ready for kindergarten. Home kit includes CD, parent/child magazine.
Session 1: Thursdays 11:15 a.m. & 1:00 p.m.

"Giggles" - All about the sense of humor that your children are beginning to develop. Get ready to laugh, be silly and hear lots of knock-knock jokes in "Giggles." In class use word plays, word puns, and all-around word silliness to boost vocabulary, develop conversational skills, and nurture happy learners. Use music to strengthen the learning taking place while adding a musical twist to the humor! Take the learning home and share with family. FUN! Home kit includes CD, parent/child magazine. Session 2: Thursdays 11:15 a.m. & 1:00 p.m.
Morning KAMPs (Kids – Art – Music – Play) (ages 3 – 5 & 5 – 7)
Session 1:

Session 2:

Mini-KAMPs (ages 3 – 7)
Musical Princess mini-K.A.M.P. (2 hours/3 days) Join us for a musical adventure with princesses of land and sea! Dress up, puppets, stories, glamour, singing, folk dances, crafts, and so much more! July 21, 22, 23, 4-6 p.m.

Musical Pirates mini-K.A.M.P. (2 hours/3 days) Yo ho ho! A Pirate's (and pirate princess) life for me! Meet our friendly crocodile (puppet), play echo games with our parrot (puppet). Walk the plank. Sail the gallant ship, dance, dress up, stories, crafts & more! Aug 4, 5, 6, 4-6 p.m.